Regain the ability to chew
I have patients who’ve been wearing dentures for a while and they have issues with keeping their dentures in when they’re eating. They have issues with keeping their dentures in when they’re speaking. I’ve also had patients where they have neglected their dentition and we are not able to restore their teeth back to health. Those are cases where all-on-four or all-on-X type restorations are a great option. They’re basically dentures that are screwed to the jaw and you don’t take them out. They’re the next closest thing to having a full set of your own natural teeth. All-on-X or all-on-four dentures allows our patient to get back 90% of their chewing power. With a traditional denture… So if you’re tired of your dentures slipping and you want to gain some confidence in public speaking and eating, give us a call and we’ll assess your situation and give you your options.